We are here for you

Please note that our website is not available in English. Of course we will be happy to help you with any questions or concerns you may have by offering a comprehensive advisory service in English.

Address & phone number

GastroSocial Compensation Fund and Pension Fund
Buchserstrasse 1 | Postfach | CH-5001 Aarau

T +41 62 837 71 71

Opening hours

Monday – Friday

08.00 – 11.45 | 13.30 – 16.30

On public holidays

17 April 2025Maundy Thursday*08.00 – 11.45
18 April 2025Good Fridayclosed
21 April 2025Easter Mondayclosed
1 May 2025Labour Dayclosed
28 May 2025Wednesday before Ascension Day*08.00 – 11.45
29 May 2025Ascension Dayclosed
30 May 2025Friday after Ascension Day*closed
9 June 2025Whit Mondayclosed
4 July 2025«Maienzug»**closed
31 July 2025Thursday before Swiss National Day*08.00 – 11.45
1 August 2025Swiss National Dayclosed
24 December 2025Christmas Eve*08.00 – 11.45
25 December 2025Christmasclosed
26 December 2025St. Stephen’s Dayclosed
31 December 2025New Year’s Eve*08.00 – 11.45
1 January 2026New Year’s Dayclosed
2 January 2026St Berchtold’s Dayclosed

* not an official public holiday
** local holiday in Aarau

Get to know us

GastroSocial comprises both a compensation fund and a pension fund for the hotel and catering industry throughout Switzerland, to which it offers customised social insurance solutions. With our head office in Aarau, we are the largest compensation and pension fund association in the country. We provide all the insurance cover you need in the 1st pillar (AHV/IV/EO/ALV) and 2nd pillar (BVG).

Our client base is extremely varied: from sole traders to large companies operating internationally, a wide range of businesses throughout Switzerland benefit from the offering and services of GastroSocial.

Why we are worth it

Specially designed for the catering and hotel industry: Our employees are very well versed in the special features of this industry and the L-GAV (collective labour agreement), and can provide you with competent advice.

All types of social insurance from one provider:
Our comprehensive offering means that we serve as a one-stop shop for answers to all your questions about all kinds of 1st and 2nd pillar insurance.

Tailor-made insurance solutions:
Our offering includes industry-specific solutions for accident insurance (UVG), daily sickness benefits insurance (KTG), and property and liability insurance for businesses in the catering and hotel sector.

Innovative online products save time and money:
Our range of online products is developed to suit the spectrum of different needs and requirements of our clients, and makes a tangible difference in terms of minimising administrative work for affiliated business establishments.

Simple administrative processes and low costs:
Internal procedures are efficient and uncomplicated. Our staff also focus on responding to your queries promptly and finding solutions for you. This means you save money and have more time to spend on your core business.

Quality is our top priority:
We always aim for the highest standards and have therefore been ISO-certified for several years. The GoodPriv@cy quality mark is an acknowledgement of the company‘s exemplary data protection and information security practices.

Decades of experience:
Our Compensation Fund was established in 1948, at the same time as the AHV was introduced. Our Pension Fund was set up in 1974, long before occupational pensions became compulsory in Switzerland in 1985.

Key figures 2023 at a glance: Compensation Fund

  • 21’526

    Affiliated companies + 0.2%
  • 188’968

    Insured persons + 11.3%
  • 8’013 m CHF

    Gross payroll + 11.1%

Key figures 2023 at a glance: Pension Fund

  • 9.7 billion CHF

    Capital Assets + 5.4%
  • 115.1%

    Funding ratio + 2.7%
  • 4.05%

    Performance Previous year: – 8.30%

These figures are taken from the current annual report (as at 31.12.2023).
